Why you should put D&D on your resume

D&D on a resume

In a world where resumes highlight professional achievements, skills, and work experience, you might not expect to find ‘Dungeons & Dragons’ listed under someone's hobbies or skills. However, the game of D&D offers a unique set of qualities that can significantly enhance your professional profile.

Join us as we explore the unexpected benefits of incorporating Dungeons & Dragons into your resume and discover how best to put D&D on your resume or CV.

Should I put D&D on my resume?

Yes! Include D&D on your resume, framing it as a platform for honing collaboration, problem-solving, and creative storytelling skills. Showcase how navigating complex narratives and working in a team setting has equipped you with valuable attributes applicable to various professional environments.

Why you should put D&D on your CV or resume

D&D is good for your mental health, but did you know that playing or being a Dungeon Master helps build several key skills that translate into your professional life?

Communication skills

Dungeons & Dragons hones your ability to communicate effectively within a team setting. Whether describing your character's actions or strategising with fellow players, clear and concise communication is key. This skill translates seamlessly into professional environments where conveying ideas, presenting information, and collaborating with colleagues are crucial.

Team building skills

D&D is the epitome of collaborative gameplay. As a player or Dungeon Master, you learn to work harmoniously within a team to achieve common goals. Transferring this experience to the workplace, you bring valuable team-building skills. As you become a better D&D player, you to leverage individual strengths and foster a cohesive and productive team dynamic.

Problem solving skills

Navigating the challenges presented in D&D scenarios sharpens your problem-solving prowess. Whether deciphering a puzzle or overcoming unexpected obstacles, you develop a knack for critical thinking. This skill proves invaluable in professional settings where the ability to analyse complex situations and devise effective solutions is a sought-after trait.

Mediation skills

D&D often involves diverse personalities and conflicting perspectives. Managing in-game disputes in D&D cultivates mediation skills, which are important in the workplace. Your ability to navigate interpersonal conflicts and find common ground becomes an asset when fostering positive relationships among colleagues.

Improvisation skills

In the unpredictable world of D&D, adaptability is paramount. As you navigate unforeseen plot twists and unpredictable player decisions, you hone improvisation skills. These skills, applied to the professional realm, help you to think on your feet, adapt to changing circumstances, and thrive in dynamic work environments.

Leadership skills

Taking on the role of Dungeon Master or leading your in-game party showcases your leadership capabilities. Directing a team through challenges, making critical decisions, and knowing how to ask for constructive feedback fosters effective leadership. These leadership skills are transferable to real-world scenarios, positioning you as a confident and capable leader in your professional pursuits.

Read more about the skills that D&D teaches you in our guide.

Where to put DND on your resume

The most common place to put D&D on your resume is under the ‘Hobbies’ or ‘Interests’ section. Typically situated at the end of your resume, this section provides a brief glimpse into your personality beyond professional qualifications.

If your D&D experience is substantial and directly relevant to the job you're applying for, you might consider putting it under ‘Professional Experience’. This choice is only relevant for roles where the skills acquired from playing D&D align closely with the job requirements. If you’re not applying for a position at Wizards of the Coast or another tabletop-gaming company, it’s probably best to put it under ‘Hobbies’ or ‘Interests’.

For those still hesitant about highlighting their D&D experience, we recommend reading DND At Work, a blog by Tom Watkin. Focused on leadership and business, their blog delves into case studies and examples, illustrating how D&D can cultivate valuable professional skills.

Can I put D&D on my LinkedIn profile?

Absolutely! While LinkedIn lacks a dedicated hobbies section, you could put D&D under the ‘Volunteering’ section. Highlight how the game developed skills like teamwork, problem-solving, and strategic thinking. Showcase the valuable attributes you've gained through D&D that align with your professional profile.

Can I put ‘Dungeon Master’ on my resume?

Instead of ‘Dungeon Master’, consider using ‘Community Event Organiser’ on your resume. This title provides a clearer, more universally understandable description of your role.

Make sure you provide an honest and transparent explanation alongside this. For instance, you could say:

‘Scheduled, hosted, and led weekly team-based events, demanding intense team communication, creative problem-solving, and strict time management. Developed the ability to improvise in fast-paced, continually changing environments. Strengthened my interpersonal skills both as a listener and a leader’.

You can tailor this description to highlight skills relevant to you and the position you are applying for. This approach effectively communicates the valuable skills gained from your role as a Dungeon Master while maintaining clarity for potential employers.

What to avoid when putting D&D on your resume

When added D&D to your resume, avoid the temptation to exaggerate or misrepresent skills gained from playing the game. Be honest about your contributions and experiences. Additionally, resist the urge to inject humour into your resume. While D&D may have its moments of levity, a job application is a professional document, and maintaining a serious tone is crucial.

Keep the details concise and relevant, ensuring that your resume remains focused on your overall professional qualifications. Remember that your resume is a succinct snapshot of your capabilities. While D&D can be a valuable addition, it should not overshadow your primary qualifications for the position.

Tailor your resume to emphasize D&D only if it directly aligns with the job requirements or if the skills gained are particularly relevant to the role. Striking the right balance ensures that your resume effectively communicates your suitability for the position without overshadowing other key qualifications.

Dice and accessories for your fantasy adventures

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Elevate your gaming experience with our dice scrolls of rolling, offering both convenience and style. May your rolls be ever in your favour!

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